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Jun 20, 2011

OSCOMMERCE: Testing Database Connection Hang

I spent several hours waiting while installing Oscommerce Online Merchant in my site yesterday. I notice that installation stop in testing database connection. The step that handles testing database connection is taking so long and seems not moving forward.

I was pretty sure that the database credential I've put was correct and working. I even also deleted and re-created the database just to make sure but unfortunately it doesn't work.

As curiosity goes, I try to install a copy of the oscommerce merchant in my local machine and guess what? It is working without any squeeze. So from there on, my conclusion was that the problem could be the database connection and not with oscommerce installation files. After few hours of solution hunting I found the following checklist that helps me to solve the issue.

1. You need to make sure that the database credential was correct.
2. Check you php settings, php versions, required extensions and optional extension if they’re set up properly.

Please see below.

3. Make sure that your MYSQL permission is in full access.

TIPS: If you’re not hosting your own server, contact your hosting company and make sure that above was set up properly.


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