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Feb 12, 2011

Magento Developer Toolbar Issue and Solution

Magento Developer Toolbar is a helpful extension that allows you to access quickly to regular used functions without logging in admin. It is an aide to newbie magento developer which basically don't master magento mage path file as well as .phtml file which includes in every magento pages.

I always using this extension when I'm working with magento site in development stage and upon promoting it in live I never forgot to alter developer toolbar but not for my last project. As we meet the deadline of promoting I forgot to uninstall before promoting it. Doing so I encountered the following issue.

Issue that may occur when you install developer toolbar in your live site.

1. Magento Developer toolbar automatically turn on with out prior notice J. A weird functionality that I encountered for a couple of days.
Please see this forum thread to see common issue.
2. Even you turned it off, clear cache and re-index. After a couple of hours it will appear again. Annoying, annoying and annoying.
3. Developer toolbar don’t have table in database in which you might manually edit it.
4. It can also create a loophole to your magento store.


So how removed it totally?

1. When you see the red line / developer in your front end. Click all active option in your developer toolbar to make them in active.
2. Go to your back end. Navigation in System a Configuration a Tab a Developer
3. Set the developer to “NO” and save configuration.
4. Go to your cache management and clear all magento caches.
5. Now you can uninstall the Magento Developer toolbar through manual FTP installation or Magento Connect Manager.

Uninstalling it through magento connect manager.

1. First go to Magento Connect Manager under the system tab.
2. Before doing so, make sure that you have 777 permission to make it work else you will get permission denied.
3. In Magento connect manager you can see the uninstall option. Choose Magento connect Extension.
4. Congratulations. You get rid off the Magento /*-/-**/-*/-* J

Uninstalling through FTP.

1. Login to your FTP account.
2. Navigate and delete the following folder and files.

app/design/frontend/”your_package_theme”/”theme”/layout/developertoolbar.xml - DELETE THIS FILE
app/design/frontend/”your_package_theme”/”theme”/template/ developertoolbar - DELETE THIS FOLDER
app/code/community/HM - DELETE THIS FOLDER
app/etc/modules/ HM_DeveloperToolbar.xml   - DELETE THIS FILE

3. Viola!!:)