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Apr 10, 2011

MAGENTO: How to create a Configurable Product with Associated Products

1. Logged in the system go to Catalog --> Manage Products

Inside Manage Products click the "Add Product" button at the right side of the page, after which you will directed to the settings area for the product. Example we use the "options_size_color" attribute set for our
"Configurable Product" from the drop-down. (Attribute set is a collection of attributes such as size, color and etc. To know more about attribute set visit this link) and click the Continue button.

General Tab

a. Name: The name of our new product
b. SKU (Stock-keeping Unit): The stock code for the product
c. Status: If the product is Enabled and showing on the website or if it’s disabled. (This should be set to Enabled)
d. Tax Class: If your product requires Tax added then Taxable Goods must be selected. (This should be set to Taxable Goods)
e. URL key: The custom option for how the URL for your product is written.
f. Visibility: Where the product can be found by your visitors;
1. Nowhere: The product does not appear on the website.
2. Catalog: The product will appear on the website but not in search results.
3. Search: The product will not appear on the website but will appear in search results.
4. Catalog, Search: The product will appear on the website and in search results.
(Visibility should be set to Catalog, Search)

Price Tab

a. Price: The price of our product
b. Special Price: Offers on products for limited times.
c. Special Price From Date: The date in which the special price starts.
d. Special Price To Date: The date in which the special price ends.
e. Tier Price: Allows for bulk discounts to be set up. Click Add Tier to add quantity discounts.

Meta Information Tab

a. Meta Title: Information that appears in the <title> tag.
b. Meta Keywords: keywords that apply to your product.
c. Meta Description: A short description of your product that appears on Search Engine Result Pages.

Images Tab

Images are a key part of your product and the better quality you can get the more chance you have of making a sale, Magento allows for multiple images to be uploaded and specific images to be uploaded for the Base Image, the Small Image and the Thumbnail, as well as allowing for a label. If you want to remove an image simply click the Exclude to hide or the Remove to delete checkbox(s).

a. Base Image: The main image that appears on the product page.
b. Small Image: The image that appears in the categories/search view.
c. Thumbnail: The thumbnail of the product.

Description Tab

a. Description: The main body description of the product; the place to really sell the product and all of its features!
b. Short Description: The quick overview that appears just below the price on the product page; the place to grab the attention of buyers.

Inventory Tab

a. Stock Availability: If the product is in stock or not. (This should be set to In Stock)

Categories Tab

Your product can appear in multiple categories; simply click the checkbox of the category you want it to appear in. (This is where you control the category in which the product will be shown in the front-end)

Upsells Tab

This is the one that controls what products will be included in the “See Other Things You May Like” section in the front-end. To choose, search the name of the product and then check the checkbox beside the selected product. The product will be no viewed in the front-end.

How to create Associate Products?

Before proceeding, Click on the Save and Continue Button at the top. After reloading of the page, go to the Associated Products Tab

1. Name: The name of the associated product (To change the name of the associated product, just un-check the Autogenerate checkbox)
2. SKU: the SKU of the associated product (To change the SKU of the associated product, just un-check the Autogenerate checkbox)
3. Weight: the Weight of the associated product
4. Status: (This should be set to Enabled in order for this option to be available in the front-end)
5. Visibility: (This should be set to Not Visible Individually)
6. *Size: (This is the size/s of the product that will be shown in the drop-down menu in the front-end)
7. Price: Price for the associated product
8. Quantity:
9. Stock Availability: (This should be set to In Stock)
10. Click the “Quick Create” button