Testing credit card in your payment is the most important one, since it involves money. I will give you some dummy test credit card numbers which are easy and safe to use. These credit card numbers validate properly but discourage using in production site.
American Express:
378282246310005 3111111111111117 343434343434343 370000000000002 340000000000009 371449635398431 378734493671000Visa:
4111111111111111 4007000000027 4222222222222 4012888888881881MasterCard:
5105105105105100 5111111111111118 5454545454545454 5500000000000004 5555555555551111 5555555555554444Discover:
6011111111111117 6011000000000004 6011000990139424 6011601160116611 6111111111111116
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